Its time to wake up. You know this cause you've hit the snooze button like 5 times already. You tumble to the bathroom, hoping no one beat you there, so that you could splash some water on your face and actually wake up. You walk towards the kitchen wanting some coffee, but I have some bad new for you, you did not take the time to prep it the night before. We are often like this - leaving things for the last minute or for when there is no other option - I know I can be.
We are often so wrapped up in our own world that it isn't until something forces us to look out the window, that we wont do it. We leave throwing out the trash for when it starts stinking. We leave prepping for a test until the night before and we often times leave praying for the more dire moments in life. Lifting our hands in worship should not be a last minute thing neither should it be to take one knee, or two knees before the Lord.
In the year 2014 the St. Louis Rams came out of the tunnel for their game with their hands up. This action was not done to bring praise to the Lord before their game, but rather as a protest. You’ll remember this was shortly after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson. A couple years later in 2016, Colin Kaepernick of the 49ers, decided he would sit down and then kneel down during the National Anthem. Kaepernick took this action as a sign of protest, stating "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."
As citizens, we have the right of free speech. We also have the right to protest in a peaceful manner. These protests forced a conversation that many had ignored but I would like to point at the fact that now more than ever, there is a divide. Some will take no knees, others one and few take two; in prayer to God that this and many other issues be resolved. Many lift their hands, in recognition to the Lord of Heavens as the only true solution to all of mankind's needs.
There are three kinds of culture; theonomous, heteronomous and autonomous.
Click here to read which one America possess.
The most basic definition of prayer is "to speak with God." Let us consider some scriptures that speak about prayer and the various types there are.
John 14:13 "And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
James 1: 6 "But ask with faith, doubting nothing, for he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, which is swept away by the wind and cast from one part to another."
Romans 8:26 "In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness: for he must ask as he ought, he does not know it, but the spirit itself intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered."
1 John 5: 14-15 14) And the trust that is in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15) And if we know that there is nothing in whatever we ask, that we have the petitions that we have made.
Romans 12:12 "rejoicing in hope, suffering in tribulation, steadfast in prayer ..."
Praying out loud & In public
Psalm 51:17 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; To the contrite and humble heart you will not despise, O God. "
Ezra 10: 1 "As Ezra prayed and made a confession, weeping and prostrating himself before the house of God, a very great multitude of Israel joined him, men, women, and children. and the people wept bitterly. "
Praying together
Galatians 6: 2 "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Hebrews 12: 12-13 12) Wherefore, raise up your hands that are fallen, and your knees paralyzed; 13) and make straight paths for your feet, that the lame may not go out of the way, but that he be healed.
James 5:16 "Confess your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual prayer of the righteous can do much. "
John 17:23 "I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfect in unity, that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, even as thou hast loved me."
Types of Prayer
1 Timothy 2: 1 "For this reason I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be done for all men."
Prayer of Faith.
- James 5:15 "And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he committed sins, they shall be forgiven him."
- Mark 9:23 "When we pray, we must believe in the power and goodness of God."
Praying unanimously.
- Acts 1:14 "These all continued with one accord in prayer and petition, with the women, and with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren."
Prayer of petition (or petition).
- Philippians 4: 6 "Be anxious for nothing; but let your requests be made known to God in all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving."
Prayer of thanks.
- Philippians 4: 6 "Be anxious for nothing; but let your requests be made known to God in all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving."
Worship prayer
- Hebrews 13: 2-3 2 "Do not forget the hospitality, because by it some, without knowing it, hosted angels. Remember the prisoners, as if you were imprisoned with them; and of the abused, as you yourself are in the body.
The prayer of consecration
- Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little forward, and fell on his face, praying, and saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; but not as I will, but as thou wilt. "
- Matthew 6: 6 "But when you pray, enter into your chamber, and when the door is closed, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you in public. "
The prayer of intercession.
The following is only a partial list of those for whom we must interseed for.
All who are in authority (1 Timothy 2: 2)
ministers (Philippians 1:19)
the church (Psalm 122: 6)
friends (Job 42: 8)
countrymen (Romans 10: 1)
the sick (James 5:14)
enemies (Jeremiah 29: 7)
for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44)
those who forsake us (2 Timothy 4:16)
All men (1 Timothy 2: 1)
Becoming Christians makes us more sensitive, and more connected to our emotions. When we see an addict or a battered person, we feel compassion and long for it not to be so. Even the simple act of being without Christ makes the heart tremble because we have experienced how rich the Lord is. Someone dies and the first thing we ask is "did you have Christ in your heart?" That's because the gospel makes us more connected to our emotions. We pray because we have met one who can change all the problems and solve it. Lack of prayer is a sign of lack of faith, and lack of trust in the God of the Bible and His Word. That is why the Bibles tells us (James 1: 6) "But ask with faith, not doubting anything; because he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, which is swept away by the wind and thrown from one place to another." Rather it be in public, sitting, one knee, two knees or no knees, prayer is us talking to God and He wants to call Him as our creator and Heavenly Father.
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